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En resumen, en nuestra página de salud, ofrecemos información de calidad sobre medicina ortopédica, respaldada por expertos y respaldada por investigaciones médicas confiables, así como un directorio de ortopedias que le brinda acceso a información sobre diferentes centros de atención en su área.

Are Yoga and Tai Chi Good Candidates For Physical Therapy?


Outdoor practice in Beijing's Temple of Heaven.

Image via Wikipedia

Two recent studies caught my eye, because they highlight some actual good science in trying to adapt two longstanding, ancient practices — Yoga and Tai Chi — into the modern era so they can be used for practical medical purposes.

In the case of Yoga, a recent pilot study at Indiana University showed some positive results in using yoga as a follow-up to physical rehabilitation therapy for elderly stroke victims. Over the course of eight weeks, the study participants showed significant improvement in their balance, thus limiting their risk for falls. Moreover, the lead researcher noted that the group was excited by yoga and wanted to continue with it after the study, indicating that a few weeks of using yoga as therapy could stick, thereby improving the lives of stroke victims.

Meanwhile, a similar pilot study at the University of Missouri studied the use of Tai Chi as a method of cognitive rehabilitation for cancer survivors who had undergone chemotherapy. After ten weeks of Tai Chi classes, the study group showed significant improvements in tests of their memory, language, attention, stress, mood and fatigue. Because Tai Chi focuses on slow, fluid movements, it could be a good option for patients with more limited physical abilities.

Now, one thing that’s worth pointing out is that both of these studies are just preliminary — more work needs to be done before the Yoga and Tai Chi exercises used here can be applied to a therapeutic program. But the initial results are encouraging, and I think that follow up studies are definitely warranted.


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